Monday, October 25, 2010

Call it

I work at a grocery store and I hate it. I hate how old people always have to come to the store 1000 times a day. I want to figure a way to keep people from coming. I wish they could just buy the shit online and not come to my store. Me and me fellow co workers have always talked about blocking the entrances off with carts so they can't drive in. However, I have a feeling that people would still find a way in because nothing stops them, not even snow. It's ridiculous. I think if I was paid more I would be happy because I don't get paid enough to deal with the shit, figurative and literally, that I have to deal with.

I also hate pushing carts. I work with this guy who sucks and I always have to make up for all the shit he doesn't do. It hurts my body. My friend, Austin, and I are trying to get him in trouble but I don't think he will change. I'd be happier if I made more than 10 cents above minimum wage.

A way I'd like to incorporate New Media into it would be to have a cave type thing for people to have so they can figure out what they want and it would be waiting for them when they go to the store, that way I don't have to deal with them. Plus, our technology is awesome enough that these things can happen. I want a robot to push carts for me, or my manager to not be a dick and buy us a cart machine so I can be lazy.

I'm not sure if this is more of a rant or what but uhh... oh well!

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