Sunday, October 3, 2010



1. Fear is something that we could have had a bad experience with and we are afraid to be around that situation again.
2. I am afraid of needles but I couldn’t think of anything realistic for me to do. I decided to go with people being afraid to touch things they cannot see.
3. I think some people will agree and some people will be hesitant but I would think some aren’t as afraid as others.
4. I am going to have the person close their eyes and cover their hands so they can’t see what they are going to touch and then ask them to grab what is in front of them.
5. Blair reached in the bag and he seemed to be okay with reaching in and grabbing what was inside.
6. I expect some people to freak out or be hesitant to grab it. He seemed kind of hesitant but reached in.
7. I would go with more things that would freak people out, such as fake eyeballs or cobwebs from Halloween stores.
8. My favorite project was Blair’s. He had a bag with something wrapped up and made everyone touch it and try to figure out what was inside.
9. I thought it was funny and I was kind of nervous as to what it was and I didn’t really trust it.
10. It makes me wish I would have done things better such as getting other things to put in my bag.

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